Contact Us

Find the profile that describes you to get your questions answered. 


If you’re a current member, get in touch for questions about your plan.

  1. For best results, we recommend calling the customer service phone number shown on the back of your ID card.
  2. For customer service inquiries, please call (877) 804-4629 or email us at 


Broker clients can get help with growing a business and retaining customers.

  1. Send us a message to find out how we can work together.  LET’S TALK


Employer group clients can call to get more information about reporting, wellness programs or other care solutions.

  1. If you are an employer group currently using HNAS as your plan administrator, please call your HNAS Account Executive.
  2. If you are an employer group interest in learning more about HNAS services, please call
    (877) 320-4316 or fill out our inquiry form.


  1. For customer service inquiries, please call (877) 804-4629 or email us at